Dental Implants

When a tooth is missing - whether you were born without it or you lost the natural tooth - a dental implant is a permanent replacement. Similar to a joint replacement, a dental implant has become the gold standard in tooth replacement.

Dr. Mary Catherine Pawelski received specialty training at the Engel Institute and became certified in implant placement. She uses a 3D scan with every case to create a completely guided surgical process, ensuring optimum placement.

What is the process?

Step 1 - Implant placement

Depending on the quality and quantity of the bone in the area, Dr. Pawelski will determine if your implant will be placed in-office or referred to an oral surgeon. Every surgery is 3D guided to ensure the ideal placement of your implant!

Step 2 - Digital scan

Once the bone has healed around the implant post, about 8 weeks later, our doctors will take a digital scan to create a custom ‘abutment’ and all-ceramic crown that will interlock with your implant. This is appointment is quick and easy!

Step 3 - Crown attachment

Once the crown returns from the laboratory, our doctors will ensure that it is the perfect fit before permanently screwing it onto the implant post. Another quick & easy appointment, this time you leave feeling as good as new!